Sunday, December 30, 2012

Firebird Gloves & Cowl

The Firebird pattern is ready, at last.  With much "help" from Teddy-the-cat, pictures were finally uploaded and finishing touches were applied.

According to legend, the Firebird is a large bird similar to a peacock, with glowing eyes and majestic plumage which glows with red, orange, and yellow light.  A single feather from the Firebird can bring light to a large room. 

The pattern is available for $8.00 on Ravelry.  Just click here

For knitting, I used Jitterbug, a lovely fingering weight yarn from Colinette.  It is made in Wales, which I especially appreciate as I am half Welsh.  The reds and oranges in the yarn pool in quite a nice way, reminding me of the brilliant plumage colors of the legendary Firebird.

The cowl can be draped about the neck and shoulders or fasten it to the side with a small shawl pin or nice brooch.  I will put up a couple more pictures of it draped to the side and pinned.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Nativity 2012

Following on the heels of the exuberance of Christmas, the day after always has a bit of a let-down feeling about it.  But 26 December has its own identity.

Feast of St Stephen - It is thought that in the early days of the Christian era boxes were placed in or near churches on the day after Christmas, where special offerings were collected for the poor to commemorate St Stephen, the first Christian martyr.

Boxing Day - In the United Kingdom, Boxing Day was traditionally a day off for household servants, so they could go visit their own families.  Often boxes of leftover food or gifts for the servants' families would be given to them to take along.  Now days, small gifts of cookies or money are often left for the folks who deliver the post, or the newspaper, or other delivery workers.

My own Christmas was filled with beautiful music, participation in a meaningful worship service, and time spent with dear friends, and always my special Nativity (by artist Jim Shore).  

May this Christmas Season bring peace to our world, and blessings to all.


Friday, December 21, 2012

Winter Solstice

We welcome the change of seasons once again with the first full day of winter.  The days are cold and the ground may be covered with snow,  while the anticipated Springtime gallery of flowers lies sleeping beneath the soft cover of whiteness. We wait...

Days will grow longer with more sunlight.  Though we may not notice the lengthening days for several weeks, we have hope in our hearts, knowing that spring will soon greet us once again.

Meanwhile - work continues in the knitting department at Kenilworth House.  I had hoped to have the pattern for the Firebird Gloves and Scarf up by today - hmmmm, you all know about "good intentions."  The gloves are finished.  Firebird Scarf....not so much. Something about beads, they don't always cooperate. They will, they will....

Here is a teaser with my "helper"  - Teddy.   Maybe he made off with the beads ?

The pattern really will be up....soon.  I promise !!

Friday, December 14, 2012

and now we weep...

We watch the television coverage and weep with grief and shock.  We speak to each other in half sentences, because everyone needs to say the same things.

We ask why, but there are no answers to satisfy us.  Evil is not rational, it has no "why."  Incomprehensible acts such as what took place today in Connecticut are beyond rational explanation, and they are happening too often in our country.  

Let us hold our families close and kiss our children.  Let us give thanks to God for his grace, and for precious life itself.  Let us not dwell on the evil and darkness which has today burst upon our Christmas world.  Let us be gentle with each other, and speak kindly to the broken hearted - for these are our children. They belong to all of us.

"Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord;
and let light perpetual shine upon them."  Book of Common Prayer

So...where's the snow ?

Happy Friday, Everyone

The calendar says December, the sky is overcast and dreary, the air feels like where is it ?  It must be falling someplace, just not in Treasure Valley, Idaho  - not yet.  While I have learned to be careful what I wish for, it would be nice to see more of the white stuff on the foothills and the surrounding mountains. We don't need it downtown - honestly, asphalt doesn't do well in snow, but the skiiers are getting impatient.  There is that mysterious "skiier vibration" in the air.  Maybe this weekend....

Enough with the "weather report"  If it is snowy where you live, enjoy it, or at least stay warm and safe, and keep your knitting fingers busy.

I have been working on several new pattern ideas, and knitting samples.  You will love the next project  - a pair of gloves made with one of my favourite yarns.  Nope, I won't say more than that, not yet...but stay tuned !

Cheerio for now !

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Lace Shawl Pattern Sale - Celebration

Because everyone needs to celebrate from time to time, I am offering a significant discount on one of my favourite patterns in Ravelry (  to celebrate the launch of this new blogsite.

Balmoral Lace Triangle Shawl is now $5.00 through 31 December 2012.... but you must use the Promotion Code KHDS1 when you check out.  Payment through PayPal, and you don't need an account.

The pattern is in pdf format and will download to your computer upon payment.  If you prefer a "paper pattern" just send me an email and I will send it to you for a bit of postage $$.  Of course you can print off your own paper pattern....

This is a sweet lacy shawl, and will be lovely in a soft fine wool yarn.  It is shown in summer-weight Sugar Rush.  You are limited only by your imagination.

There are several pages of charted design, as well as written instructions, if you prefer.  Once you have knitted the first couple of tiers, the increases on each side will make sense and you will be able to see how it is "building" -  It really is easier than you might think !

Have fun with it, and I look forward to seeing what YOU create !


A Good Day to Create Something New

Today is the twelfth day of the twelfth month of the twelfth year of the "new millenium."  My goodness, that sounds portentious, doesn't it ...or maybe it is just pretentious...but I hope not.

I read a very meaningful quote yesterday, a devotional if you will.  Its meaning for me is in seeking and recognizing one's worth, work, calling.  In part it said,  "....You are walking along the path I have chosen for you. It is both a privileged and perilous way with My glorious Presence and heralding that reality to others.  Sometimes you feel presumptuous to be carrying out such an assignment...but don't worry.  The work I'm doing in you is hidden at first, then eventually blossoms will burst forth, and abundant fruit is borne. "  Thank you to Nancy Alexander for sharing this lovely devotional.

We are all, each one of us "creators" of a sort. We are here in part, to add to the beauty around us, by living our lives from our heart as well as our head; for seeing the Good (God) in every living creature, humans and animals alike; to not take the gift of Life for granted or treat Life with disrespect, our life or the life of another; to be gentle with all life; to become a light instead of part of the darkness.

In this time of Advent, leading up to the great Joy of Christmas, let us take the time to be still, to ponder with wonder the "privileged and perilous way" each of us walks in our lives. 

It is my hope and my intention to offer my interpretations of art and beauty to you, to offer something fun and pleasing, frivolous or useful and even at times challenging.   Knitting patterns are, by their very nature personal and uniquely interpreted by both the designer (me) and by the knitter (you and me.)  Sometimes these interpretations result in very different end products - in this, one is not right and the other wrong, only different interpretations.  Change the color, the yarn (weight, guage, texture), the size, and you will get a new interpretation....many times this can be a good thing.  If you are happy with the result, then it was done right.  If you are not happy with the result....change something.  Remember, there are no Knitting Police and most rules within this artform can be bent or broken....or interpreted.

The point here is.....Enjoy the Process !